sabato 8 ottobre 2016

Bol i svetinja - Mika Vlacović Vladisavljević

Bol i svetinja
Spuštam glavu u drhtave blede šake
pred poljima vetrova koji valjaju mojih nežnih tajni seni
stapajući u sazvežđe žedno naše, životom,smrtnim stahom
ili glasnim šumom suza ,izbledele ruke.
Puštam te hladnu da u meni zaćutiš rečito
ukoračavajući u mene odonud
gde sve je satkano od istog tkanja i ljudi i snovi njihovi.
Tihošću se budi moj ožiljak,ključ od tvoje duše,
da snom boli jače,
da nejasno tišti i jasno me prožme hladnoćom.
Spreman sam poći sa tobom ,ne listaj tragove prošlosti
mrkloćom ove noći ,
crnom slutnjom na ono što mene boli i otešnjava u meni.
Želim nočas zaživeti samrtnim snom,
jer i ti si večna i usnula,
hoću da me ti ,
klonulog starca sto u mrtvom čamcu plovi
i s smukom iz njega izvlači mulj da ne potone ,da pređe na drugu obalu
i zagrli te kao tvoja jedina bol i svetinja,
prepoznaš i probudiš prisutna i neophodna.
Mika Vlacović Vladisavljević
slikqr Vladimir Volegov

venerdì 7 ottobre 2016

Forever there - Colin Cameron

Forever there
The sun shines even during the night
T'other side of our world, out of sight
But still she shines
The moon shines bright, even during the sunny day
Treading where once her sister trod, out of sight
But she still rules the night
Memories are recollections of the past, even when we're aged
A good way off now, grey hairs supersede
But still we remember
Love, is it just a passing phase, just the youngsters game
A good way past now, euphoric expectations exaggerations
But still we yearn
Companionship, wholesome coexistence, friends resolve
Burdens made lighter load
And still we share
Family, a constant in a world of trouble
Structure to support
And still it grows
Life, a gift, natures boon to the deserving
Abounds, prolific in every form
And still we seek to take

Poet Chandragupta Ashokvardhan

I did have some space of my own
for my own world of make-believe
some hope and despair-
playing hide and seek.

No epics to unfold over there
novice drawings but first,
along frills of pains anon-
the thrill of the foremost mirth.

You had a connoisseur,indeed,hovering your panels,
a titilating breeze,
as you had opened yourself up and yawned-
to the dawn.

Through thickets,some beleagured thought,
some recurring flash anon,
coming on its own-

THE SMOKER - George Zorabei

(Oh! that man should put an enemy in his mouth to steal away his brain-William Shakespeare)
His first two fingers clutched the dagger,formed the cross.
The dancing smokeline gracefully swirl,weave its stench,
Rose,swing,snail and snake-ease away.
Some veiled the breath,blushed the teeth,the gum,and
Thro' the nostrils extol the life of lost,a sobriguet for suicide.
Then he gave his cross a friendly tap to dust off some ashes To his death so he could slice himself with dose
Enough to get himself into the grave he craves,
And reach deeper into nature's inner recess,
While he sat back to garner his guts in the trance that Ensued as the woven tray of dust take him out
In the cosy,hot and misty breeze caressing his eyes.
And as the gush of steam rise,i see in eyes,wandering head And poisoned mind slowly sawed into abyss of lost,decay And condemnation,as the stupefying poison wiped off the Splendour of the man,gets him deranged
And stripped his cognition,
Then,the face sagging,drown,sight drool,
Cadence slurred foot deep thro' estacy
That will stay but a moment
And expiate a man in love
With his own easeful death.

George Zorabei-The SpokenWords Maverick (The Poet)

giovedì 6 ottobre 2016

About the Author - by Muhammad Shanazar

About the Author
Ayub Khawar is one of the most renowned contemporary poets from Pakistan,his family name is Muhammad Ayub Khan. He was born in District Chakwal (Punjab) on 12th October, 1948. He got his early education from the local school. He did his Master Degree in Urdu Literature from Karachi University in 1974. The detail of Ayub Khawar’s contribution to Urdu poetry and production of PTV programmes is very long. He worked in PTV as Producer, Director and Playwright of drama serials, series, and long plays. He also produced quiz shows, talk shows, musical shows; reality shows and literature based programs and got retirement in 2005. In reward of his huge contribution he was bestowed several awards like PTV National Awards, Graduate Awards, Bolan Awards, Nigaar Awards, Lux Style Awards. Upon his remarkable services for TV drama industry, in year 2013-2014, he was honored by the Pride of Performance award from the government of Pakistan. As a poet his work included Gul-e-Mausam (1992 First Edition), Tumhain Janay Ki Jaldi Thi (1998 First Edition), Bohat Kuch Kho Gaya Hai (2009 First Edition) and Mohabbat ki Kitab (2012 First Edition), Symphony & other Poems (translated from Urdu to English)
After retirement from PTV he joined GEO Tv as Senior Executive producer/Director of Soup’s, Serials and special projects such as thematic long plays. Moreover, he was selected as a project head to convert the most criticized Islamic Film “THE MESSAGE” from English to Urdu. He revamped, National Anthem of Pakistan amongst more than 40 well known singers for the first time in history for GEO TV. From 2013 onwards he has been working as a project head of renowned comedy program “Mazaaq Raat”. His professional career led him to work at different PTV Stations throughout Pakistan. Being one of the most innovative producers, he transformed short stories of the very prominent and stalwart epoch making literacy figures of the country into a very potent dramatic format and they were presented on PTV and other channels; consequently his efforts as a producer engendered a very positive trend that the viewers who had disconnected themselves from urdu fiction again inclined to book-reading. Among those whose works were converted into dramatic format and appreciated in the sub-continent, were Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi, Ashfaq Ahmed, Intizar Hussain, Ghulam Abass, Sa’adat Hassan Manto, Bano Qutsia Khadija Mastoor, Hajira Masroor, Abdullah Hussain and Gulzar the indian short story writer and famous film director and lyricist.
Along Ayub Khawar’s creativity, he has a unique approach towards writing lyrics for feature films and theme songs for TV drama. Ayub Khawar’s SYMPHONY AND OTHER POEMS is an English version of his poems selected from his books mentioned above. These poems have been translated into English by Muhammad Shanazar: an internationally recognized poet and translator. This creative work of Ayub khawar will open new doors of recognition for him in English speaking countries of the western world across the globe.

Salvatore Monetti


DIALOGO DELLA SERA - Domenico Pisana

Mestizia ed abulia
mi avvolgono stasera, o Dio,
e il mio cuore sgrana rosari di malinconia
sotto gli occhi delle stelle.

La mia fede sembra sbriciolarsi
al vedere molti perire di là della sponda
dove il giorno conosce solo ventriloqui,
occhi infossati e volti accigliati
che vagano senza meta.
Dove sei, che fai, o mio Dio!
Perché non ascolti le implorazioni di chi
versa lacrime per orrori ed ingiustizie,
di chi mangia erbe amare e beve calici di fiele?
Mi scoraggia, o Dio,
il vedere l’iniquità delle nostre città
e i tentacoli del male impadronirsi di palazzi,
istituzioni, chiese e aggregazioni;
mi stuprano le orecchie notizie di morte e di rapine,
di violenze, contese ed oppressioni che s’abbattano
come vento impetuoso sulle nostre case
stringendo i cuori nella morsa di paure, seminando
in me il dubbio della tua presenza
nella storia che viviamo.
Non ti chiedo, o Dio,
estasi o visioni da incidere in scrigni e tavolette,
solo fede capace di vedere il tuo dito di salvezza
tra le vie contorte del cuore degli uomini,
la speranza da sperare in mezzo al buio della notte,
la luce dei tuoi segni di riscatto di poveri ed oppressi,
la libertà per prigionieri di schemi e ideologie
la dignità restituita agli umiliati sotto il ponte.
Vorrei avere la pazienza dell’attesa,
fiducioso che il seme della vita sboccerà,
il grano sarà separato dal loglio
e il male perderà la sua battaglia
sotto gli occhi del giusto con in mano
lo scudo della fede e le labbra distese
a baciare l’infinito tra il profumo del mare
e i giochi del sole innalzando a Te
canti di speranza.
Copyright Domenico Pisana
Modica, 2 ottobre 2016

ا يعرف الطائفية ومؤلفات توحد الأديان.. مرشحان لبنانيان لـ "نوبل السلام" هافينغتون بوست عربي | سارة عبدالله - بيروت تم النشر: 15:07 06/10/2016 AST تم التحديث: منذ 5 من الساعات NOBEL PRIZE مشاركة 0 تغريدة تعليق 0

منذ يومين بدأت تتكشّف أسماء الفائزين بجوائز نوبل في مجالات كالطب والفيزياء، لكن تبقى أنظار العالم متجهة نحو جائزة نوبل للسلام التي أوصى بها المهندس والمخترع الكيميائي السويدي ألفرد نوبل، الذي أنشأ هذه الجائزة والتي حازت عليها شخصيات مميّزة كالأم تيريزا وملالا يوسف الناشطة في مجال حقوق الإنسان من باكستان.
ورغم أن الجائزة كانت من نصيب دولة عربية العام الماضي، حيث فاز بها الرباعي الراعي للحوار الوطني في تونس فإن هناك احتمالات مرتفعة بأن تذهب هذا العام أيضًا إلى لبنان، وذلك للمرّة الأولى منذ إطلاق جائزة للسلام عام 1901م.
إذ رشح لبنان مؤسسة "عامل"، فيما رشحّت الجمهورية الإيطالية البروفيسور الإيطالي – من أصل لبناني- حافظ حيدر لها.

عن "عامل" والعمل الإنساني

nobel prize

أسّس الدكتور كامل مهنّا مؤسسة "عامل" عام 1978، حيث اهتمت بالعمل الإنساني البعيد عن الجغرافيا والدين والطائفية.
وتوسّعت المؤسسة حتى باتت تضمّ مئات الأطباء والممرضين والمتطوّعين إضافةً إلى عيادات متنقلة.
وآخر إنجازاته حافلة أشبه بمستشفى مصغّرة، وهي الأولى من نوعها في لبنان، تتنقل مع فريق طبي بين المخيمات السورية، وتجري فحوصات للمرضى بأسعار زهيدة.
"هافينغتون بوست عربي" تحدثت الى دكتور كامل مهنا، الذي أوضح أن ترشيح المؤسسة جاء بعد جهود بناءة من فريق متناسق قدّم خدمات طبيّة لمليون و100 ألف نازح سوري في كافة الأراضي اللبنانية.
وقال: "حصلنا على الدعم والتشجيع من الاتحاد الأوروبي وسويسرا وبلجيكا والنرويج والحزب الاشتراكي في فرنسا وغيرها".
ولفت مهنّا إلى أن العمل الأساسي لـ"عامل" يركّز على تعزيز إنسانية المواطن، موضحاً: "نسعى لتكريس روح التضامن لدى اللبنانيين وإبراز التنوّع في وقت نلاحظ محاولات تهدف لإلغاء الآخر"، رافضًا كلّ محاولة أو قرار لإقفال الحدود في وجه الهاربين من الحروب.

الإيطالي اللبناني حافظ حيدر

nobel prize

البروفيسور حافظ حيدر الحاصل على شهادة الدكتوراه في علم التوثيق والمكتبات، هو ابن مدينة الشمس بعلبك التي وُلد فيها عام 1953، ويعيش منذ زمنٍ طويل في إيطاليا.

حاز حيدر على وسام فارس الجمهورية الإيطاليّة، وعُيّن مديراً عاماً لنقابة الشعراء والأدباء في مدينة فلورانس، وبعدها رشحته هيئة رجال القانون والدستور للبيئة التي تضمّ نوابًا أوروبيين ومديري أبحاث في إيطاليا، رسميًا لنيل نوبل للسلام لعام 2016.
حيدر أشار في حديثٍ خاص الى أنه أدّى أدوارًا تمثيلية مع ابن خالته الفنان حسن علاء الدين المعروف بـ"شوشو" قبل أن يسافر إلى إيطاليا، كما ألّف عدداً من الكتب أهمها: "قصص القرآن الكريم"، "جبران خليل جبران"، "محمد وجواهر القرآن"، "مختارة النبي"، "الإسراء والمعراج"، "مريم"، "كخاتم على قلبك".
كما ترجم إلى الإيطالية كتب: "ألف ليلة وليلة"، "كليلة ودمنة"، "النبي والأجنحة المتكسرة"، "الموسيقى"، "البدائع والطرائف"، "عمر الخيام".
وأعرب حيدر عن تفاؤله بنتيجة الجائزة، لافتًا إلى أنّه زار لبنان في سبتمبر/أيلول 2016، حيثُ حصل على تكريمات من عددٍ من الجهات الحكومية، أبرزها حصوله على درع مجلس النواب الذي قدّمه له الرئيس نبيه بري، كما حصد عددًا كبيرًا من الجوائز منها جائزة "الشعر العالمية نوسيدا للقارة الآسيوية والبلاد العربية" التي ترعاها اليونيسكو، وجائزتا ميلانو وفلورنس، وجائزة القصص الأوروبية "فرنشيجنا".

mercoledì 5 ottobre 2016

Necu te cekati - Mika Vlacovic Vladisavljevic

Necu te cekati
Sustahu mi sazvezdja iz duboke tmine
i sutra kao i juce
dok sam tvoje bose stope osluskivao kraj moga srca
i nemirom poziv daljina docekivao,
bez reci,
bez misli
ne zaboravljajuci da ponesem dusu neotreznjenu
od silne ljubavi,
jer u njoj cuvam brizno utesni tvoj osmeh skriti
sto blesteci spusta senku na ostavljene moje ruke
koje masu lokomotivama dok zorom brekcu i odvlace vagone srece,
i nade ostalih na peronu,da putnik ce stici ,
zasititi se i vratiti ozaren na radost onog
na peronu stanice polazne.
A kada bi se ti tajno moja i vratila
mozda bi zatekla koren u koji se naselilo sutra
ceznjom istkano,
mozda bi zatekla nekoga ko se prolaznosti odrekao spokojno
i njise drumove dusom nemirnom,
nekoga ko se jos greje nekadasnjim zagrljajem vrelim,
nekoga u kome jos stoluju i jecaju davno izgovorene
reci oprostajne od kojih boluju voljeni voljenjem,
nekoga kome postala si strana u rukama koje te drze u narucju,
nekoga...cutnjom sto se razgolicuje do srzi,
zavirujuci ti u strepnju
vetrovima proletnjim u kojima nema dodira bez bolnog drhtaja
ti porucujem
da se ne zapitkujes,
da se ne nadas,
da ne bi bolovala,znaj ja te necu cekati i nemoj se vratiti.
Mika Vlacovic Vladisavljevic
slikar Kiril Bozhkov


Dopo tutto il mondo è piccolo ma i Maasai sono ben alti - Alessandro Distante

Mesagne, 6 ottobre 2016

In Europa sappiamo che da anni i Maasai, sia in Kenya che in Tanzania, combattono per sopravvivere e difendere il loro territorio. Oggi rischiano di perdere la loro battaglia assediati come sono da bracconieri e multimiliardari che comprano le loro terre per organizzare safari. Se gli stessi Maasai hanno trovato il modo per difendersi da tale “aggressività” (stanno unendo le loro terre per creare un nuovo tipo di riserva naturale autogestita, che salva le loro case, le tradizioni dei loro antenati e crea al contempo un corridoio naturale per il passaggio di gnu, elefanti e leoni), la stessa cosa non sta avvenendo per il caso della ECF, cioè la febbre della costa orientale, trasmessa dalle zecche, che va prevenuta per salvare le loro mucche. Esiste l‘antidoto (cioè un vaccino) per tale malattia, ma il suo impiego fraudolento rischia di distruggere i capi bovini da cui dipende in grandissima parte l’economia di questi popoli africani. Infatti, l’ECF è una malattia dei bovini che può arrivare ad uccidere l'80% dei vitelli non vaccinati nei primi sei mesi di vita quando invece una vaccinazione appropriata darebbe la protezione del 100%.

E’ provato che l’iniezione di metà della dose di vaccino comporta che i bovini non siano protetti e quindi muoiano a causa dell'ECF. Il danno e la beffa in quanto i pastori Maasai pagano il doppio per le vaccinazioni e non proteggono i loro animali. Dal 2012, in due soli distretti della Tanzania, sono morti più di duecentomila bovini con conseguenze disastrose per l’economia e finanche per la sopravvivenza degli stessi Maasai. Purtroppo, il supporto delle organizzazioni internazionali contro le vaccinazioni fraudolente non è stato all’altezza del mondo occidentale e delle persone oneste.

L’incontro della nostra Comunità con i MAASAI, patrocinato dal Comune di Mesagne, avverrà nel Castello di Mesagne, alle ore 17 del 7 Ottobre 2016 e sarà introdotto dal Prof. Antonio ARESTA, antropologo sociale dell’Università del Salento. L’evento darà l’opportunità di conoscere il mondo della cooperazione internazionale e gli sforzi dei ricercatori europei per debellare le malattie, nonché il grado di abiezione a cui si può arrivare quando il profitto è al centro degli interessi, come obiettivo primario dei percorsi di vita.

La Delegazione del Popolo Maasai arriverà in Italia il 6 ottobre 2016, verrà ricevuta già nello stesso pomeriggio in Senato e sarà accompagnata da Giuseppe Bepi Di GIULIO di Brindisi e dalla veterinaria belga Lieve LYNEN che, insieme, lavorano in Africa. Bepi è un ricercatore brindisino che ha lavorato 30 anni in Africa dove si è recato non solo per esercitare la sua professione di Veterinario e Ricercatore ma anche per diffondere i concetti delle società civili, che devono essere generose, solidali ed altruiste. Nel 1995 ha conosciuto il popolo dei Maasai e a loro ha dedicato e dedica moltissime energie. Contro il flagello delle ECF, il Dr. Di GIULIO e la Dr. LYNEN, hanno messo a punto un vaccino i cui eccellenti risultati purtroppo sono spesso invalidati da un corrotto sistema di vaccinazioni fraudolente più volte denunciato.

I Maasai incontreranno Autorità, Ricercatori, Docenti, Studenti nonché Imprenditori legati all’allevamento e al pastoralismo, al fine di aprire canali diretti con le istituzioni, il mondo accademico, con gli operatori economici ed anche con il mondo dell’associazionismo.