lunedì 10 ottobre 2016

Tango - Maria Antonietta Morganti


Galeotto fu il ballo
in una balera notturna
si incontrarano tra luci rosse .
Scattò subito
quell'attrazione fatale
che solo il tango
con la sua passionalità
sa creare spingendo
l'uno tra le braccia dell'altro .
La musica inebriava l'aria
resa sempre più complice
dai passi precisi
studiati con maestria
dai due intrepreti
tanto che restarono
soli in pista
come in una scena di teatro.
Le loro gambe
i visi si scrutavano
per non lasciare posto
a nessuno che potesse
anche minimamente
sminuire tale magia .
Maria Antonietta Morganti

Poetry and Artwork – George Onsy





George Onsy
It took You,
More than
Just one rib
To form
Her structure
So tender
So fancy
To let
My impossible
Step out of
The realm of
It took you
More than
Just one rib
To answer
The yearning
Of my heart,
This living piece
Of fine art.
You did take
Just one rib,
Altering my whole
Promising to put
In the place
Of loneliness,
Of agony.
You took
That one rib,
Its gloomy void
Flame of
That when I just
Woke up
I found no name
But called it
Thanks be to you
For in my life
She waves
The reality and
But without her,
My so-called life
Would always have
The taste of
O God,
If you had not
I would have
Taken out
My very heart
Out of the depth
Of my core,
Held it up, asking:
And this, Lord,
What is it for?


O God
Thank you for
The woman
In man’s life
She gives him
A reason
To be, to try, to strife.
She is your very touch
Through which
You would like
To love giving so much.
She is the melody
Of your guiding voice
Where dancing
Will be the only choice.
She is the colors
Spread by
Your shining sun
Filling the air with
Laughs, songs and fun.
She is the reflection of
Your smiling moon
On joyful rivers
Flowing soft.
Running fast
Until they dive into
The boundless ocean
To be one at last.


(In Memory of Violence Victims Everywhere)
O blood,
I wish you had
A sound
To crack the silence
Of conscience’s
Sleep profound
O blood,
I wish you had
No color
Reminding me
Of a flower
Once given
By a victim
To his lover
O blood,
Others’ or mine,
Stay on earth
To draw clear
A long-awaited
Red line.


(In Memory of the Little Child Found Dead on the Seashore) 
No, no, not me!!
It’s not me!
Who could do
Such a horrible thing
For whatever reason
It may be
It’s not me!
It is a creature,
Who calls himself
‘Human being’,
Who did it,
Didn’t he??
It’s not me!
Who made of myself
A refuge for desperate
Souls fleeing a graveyard
That’s once been
A dear homeland
Have you forgotten?!!
I’m not the harbor,
I’m the sea.
It’s not me
So, I’ve just
Thrown him up.
He never belongs here,
I’m only trying
To set him free.
It’s not me!
For if the deluge
Of innocent blood
Ever stains
My loyal blue
I would turn my water
Into tears to stay
Forever the sea
You wish to see.


On Divine Love
To God ….
You are love
And so often
In my distress
You surprise me
With tender breezes
That softly soothe
My complaining skin
Oh, such a bliss!
I wish to ask you:
Is that your whisper
Or your kiss?

India’s Wheel of Existence & Temple of Athena

I was going to write a poem. But my words got bored. They revolted. They moved. They jumped up and down. They ran away from all circles of meanings, getting unbound … unfolded. Their letters got loose, expanding … stretching on the white horizons of my painting sheet to become long lines, entangled … interwoven by the heat of emotions until they form together shapes, figures and bodies
With my latest painting: ETERNORAMA 2 
George Onsy © Aug 2016 . 50 X 70 cm . Watercolors on cardboard
… These are my creatures …
O my sweet creatures!
You’ve come into being
By my lusting brush
As it’s been caressing
The very skin of
A passionately stretching
Painting board
I can see you
Trying to touch
Those legendary heroes
Carved on
The Temple of Athena’s
Frieze metopes
There, there
In my beloved
Immortal Greece
I can see you
Trying to move
My sacred Eternal India’s
Wheel of Existence
Round and round
Bringing to being
Yourselves and others
That are yet to exist.


You are love
And so it happened
That you formed me
Out of the bottomless
Abyss of nothingness
With your vision
Of a divine poet,
With your hands
Of an almighty sculptor,
With your fingers
Of a harpist
Of eternal melodies.
Oh, oh, how I love
The miracle of art
I’ve come to be!

FUGACE NEBBIA - Cinella Micciani

A volte
per pochi istanti
ti perdi nelle nebbie
dei tuoi silenzi.
Cerco una voce
un sussurro.
Sei lontano.
che mi sconcerta.
Ti osservo attenta.
Lo sguardo è spento.
Sei altrove.
Ti sfioro lieve.
Arriva un sussulto
e ritorni da me.
Mi guardi.
Mi ritrovi.
Tendi la mano.
Ora mi cerchi.
Ti sento vivo
Ogni fibra
del tuo essere
si tende su di me.
Il respiro s’affanna.
Corpi intrecciati
parlano d’estasi.
Sento il tuo cuore
palpitare forte.
Ti scoppia nel petto
quasi impazzito.
Mi stringi a te
cerchi i miei baci
mi togli il respiro.
La nebbia è sparita.
Mille raggi di sole
come sussurri teneri.
C’è luce ovunque.
Profumi d’albe rosate
d’acqua cristallina
di rugiada in fiore.
Profumi d’amore.

Cinella Micciani
(Tutti i diritti riservati)

sabato 8 ottobre 2016

WOMAN - Stefano Capasso

the fray
I would
wanted to be
your garden
to sow Love
then gather

stony silence
around me
always close
while flock
in the labyrinths
of the mind
bitter memories.
Why to me
I dreamed
beautiful sunsets
a Brilliant Love
it happened
a devastating
punishment ?
I'm prey disarmed
in the hands
a Executioner Drunk
altered by fumes
the sick madness.
I have
to finding courage
running away
Gazelle Afraid
to leave behind
his shadow
so much anger.
Just so
I will not be
I will avoid
more trouble.
Even these verses
are written to Female
All rights reserved
@ copyright


LAND OF AFRICA-Atachie Richard


The land of Africa
fortified with braveness
from the spirit of
One Ancestor
The skull of the warriors
had plough the vegetation
till now.

The land of Africa
Even our war fronts
has been a tourist site
the blood shed by kingdoms
is still crawling through
in the eyes of adults.
It has enrich the african soil
The land of Africa
our soul soil
tolerate each other
shifting cultivation the crop grows
high yields in a roll
as we channel the season of growth
sweet and sugary is our potatoes
The land of Africa
sometimes furious of the caricature
the creator quenches its heart
with an extinguisher
who are you to question
the creator?
Should the anger persist;
lives will run to extinct.
-Atachie Richard

SELF ESTEEM - Vincent Alexander


When you have butterflies in the stomach
Confidence and morale are low
And your movements slow
But when you build self-esteem
Positive energy will flow
With sheer excitement you’ll scream
Our of extreme ecstasy you’ll exclaim
I have won the deed is done

In life’s journey violent storms may rage
Country against country battles wage
Hang on in there
Say a little prayer
Today’s rain
Will pave the way
For tomorrow’s sunshine
Then you’ll say victory is mine
With oodles of self esteem build up steam
Life can be like cheese cake and cream
© All Rights Reserved

Bol i svetinja - Mika Vlacović Vladisavljević

Bol i svetinja
Spuštam glavu u drhtave blede šake
pred poljima vetrova koji valjaju mojih nežnih tajni seni
stapajući u sazvežđe žedno naše, životom,smrtnim stahom
ili glasnim šumom suza ,izbledele ruke.
Puštam te hladnu da u meni zaćutiš rečito
ukoračavajući u mene odonud
gde sve je satkano od istog tkanja i ljudi i snovi njihovi.
Tihošću se budi moj ožiljak,ključ od tvoje duše,
da snom boli jače,
da nejasno tišti i jasno me prožme hladnoćom.
Spreman sam poći sa tobom ,ne listaj tragove prošlosti
mrkloćom ove noći ,
crnom slutnjom na ono što mene boli i otešnjava u meni.
Želim nočas zaživeti samrtnim snom,
jer i ti si večna i usnula,
hoću da me ti ,
klonulog starca sto u mrtvom čamcu plovi
i s smukom iz njega izvlači mulj da ne potone ,da pređe na drugu obalu
i zagrli te kao tvoja jedina bol i svetinja,
prepoznaš i probudiš prisutna i neophodna.
Mika Vlacović Vladisavljević
slikqr Vladimir Volegov

venerdì 7 ottobre 2016

Forever there - Colin Cameron

Forever there
The sun shines even during the night
T'other side of our world, out of sight
But still she shines
The moon shines bright, even during the sunny day
Treading where once her sister trod, out of sight
But she still rules the night
Memories are recollections of the past, even when we're aged
A good way off now, grey hairs supersede
But still we remember
Love, is it just a passing phase, just the youngsters game
A good way past now, euphoric expectations exaggerations
But still we yearn
Companionship, wholesome coexistence, friends resolve
Burdens made lighter load
And still we share
Family, a constant in a world of trouble
Structure to support
And still it grows
Life, a gift, natures boon to the deserving
Abounds, prolific in every form
And still we seek to take

Poet Chandragupta Ashokvardhan

I did have some space of my own
for my own world of make-believe
some hope and despair-
playing hide and seek.

No epics to unfold over there
novice drawings but first,
along frills of pains anon-
the thrill of the foremost mirth.

You had a connoisseur,indeed,hovering your panels,
a titilating breeze,
as you had opened yourself up and yawned-
to the dawn.

Through thickets,some beleagured thought,
some recurring flash anon,
coming on its own-

THE SMOKER - George Zorabei

(Oh! that man should put an enemy in his mouth to steal away his brain-William Shakespeare)
His first two fingers clutched the dagger,formed the cross.
The dancing smokeline gracefully swirl,weave its stench,
Rose,swing,snail and snake-ease away.
Some veiled the breath,blushed the teeth,the gum,and
Thro' the nostrils extol the life of lost,a sobriguet for suicide.
Then he gave his cross a friendly tap to dust off some ashes To his death so he could slice himself with dose
Enough to get himself into the grave he craves,
And reach deeper into nature's inner recess,
While he sat back to garner his guts in the trance that Ensued as the woven tray of dust take him out
In the cosy,hot and misty breeze caressing his eyes.
And as the gush of steam rise,i see in eyes,wandering head And poisoned mind slowly sawed into abyss of lost,decay And condemnation,as the stupefying poison wiped off the Splendour of the man,gets him deranged
And stripped his cognition,
Then,the face sagging,drown,sight drool,
Cadence slurred foot deep thro' estacy
That will stay but a moment
And expiate a man in love
With his own easeful death.

George Zorabei-The SpokenWords Maverick (The Poet)