sabato 8 ottobre 2016

LAND OF AFRICA-Atachie Richard


The land of Africa
fortified with braveness
from the spirit of
One Ancestor
The skull of the warriors
had plough the vegetation
till now.

The land of Africa
Even our war fronts
has been a tourist site
the blood shed by kingdoms
is still crawling through
in the eyes of adults.
It has enrich the african soil
The land of Africa
our soul soil
tolerate each other
shifting cultivation the crop grows
high yields in a roll
as we channel the season of growth
sweet and sugary is our potatoes
The land of Africa
sometimes furious of the caricature
the creator quenches its heart
with an extinguisher
who are you to question
the creator?
Should the anger persist;
lives will run to extinct.
-Atachie Richard

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