domenica 25 settembre 2016

Reminiscence - Sudha Dixit

Sitting on the vast
Expanse of sandy beach
Throwing pebbles in the sea, and
Watching the waves reach
My feet
As if to greet
The memory of
The halcyon days
Climbing trees
Running with breeze,
Paper boat race,
Butterfly chase
Unbridled laughter,
Untiring vigour,
No inertia,
No stupor,
Life was full of
Games and plays
Oh those halcyon days
Comes another wave
Sweeps away the image
Of happy childhood maze
But I’ve saved the moment
In my memory’s page
Of my precious halcyon days
Waves upon waves, create
Ripples in the ocean
Outside my heart
Also inside enclaved
Bring out my lost love’s
Picture there engraved
And commemorate
Those halcyon days of romance,
Nights of reveries, dreams and trance,
Yet destiny betrays
Fleeting was that phase
All that beauty,
All that gaiety,
Alas, was so ephemeral
Time flies,
Age defies,
Law of universe
Is but natural –
Nothing forever stays
I miss my halcyon days
Still, in this world of
I feel one element’s
That element is Love
With it’s omnipotence
Love is never ephemeral
Does not yield to evanescence
Love is ever ubiquitous
Love has halcyon presence
In it’s Godly ways
Sustains halcyon days

~Sudha Dixit
Published in Indian Periodical

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