domenica 25 giugno 2017

The Enchantment of Calabria Goffredo Palmerini

En Route from Matera

Rocca Imperiale 

Crotone's Castle

Siberi's Archeological Park
An ancient village crowning a hill, Rocca Imperiale was founded around the year 1000 and, because of its proximity to the sea, fortified by Emperor Frederick II, the Duke of Swabia

The Tavole Palatine - Palatine Tables - in Metaponto (Calabria)

Policoro, picturesque beach resort situated just 3 kilometres from the Ionian sea, just down from Metaponto

Save for the first golden rays of sunshine over the “Sassi,” most of the ravine is still covered in darkness as we wave goodbye to the marvels of Matera.
The route to the other side of the ravine is long and abounds in caves and Rupestrian churches carved out of the rock side. The churches are from different epochs, the majority of which date back to the Late Medieval Period, and the most interesting house Byzantine frescoes and sculptures. The churches stand as a testament to the significant, centuries-old presence of Byzantine and Benedictine monks who devoted their lives to prayer and contemplation in this evocative, rock-and-shrub strewn wilderness overlooking the ravine. Each merits an extensive visit to fully appreciate its rough beauty, but we can only make so many stops en route to Calabria. 
Our first is to Cristo la Selva, a church with a Romanic façade and square floor plan. Inside this enchanting space you’ll find frescoes of Saints John and Joseph, and a magnificent, wrought iron candelabrum. Next up is a group of grottoes occupying four different tiers linked by a network of white stone stairs and tunnels. Amid this group is San Nicola all’Ofra, a little church consisting of a single- nave chapel with a seashell niche and a fresco depicting the Madonna and Child. As we climb down toward Montescaglioso, we’ll make another stop at the Cripta della Scaletta. The view and setting here are breathtaking. The leafy plants and shrubs add to the landscape’s splendor and signal to us that we’re close to Murgia. The little rock-hewn temple has a stone wall dividing the presbytery from an area reserved for worshippers. 
Back on the road, we make a windy descent toward Bradano. Here, the river coils through rushes and vegetation, which, at the start of spring, is nearly bursting with deep greens. In the distance, an eastern sun dapples the blue and turquoise Ionian Sea. Prior to Metaponto, we’ll turn onto the Ionic highway that carries us to Calabria, but not before we pay a visit to Policoro, where, in the 7th century B.C, Heraclea was founded. One of the most vibrant of the Greek colonies, it extended from the Gulf of Taranto along the entire Ionian coastline of Calabria and on into Sicily, forming the area that would become known as Magna Grecia. From the archaeological ruins, we can discern an orthogonal urban plan, an acropolis where the Policoro Castle now stands, and sanctuaries dedicated to Demeter and Dionysus. The precious, open-air archaeological digs at the Siritide Museum provide proof of the wealth and refinement of the area’s ancient inhabitants, thanks to the influence of the Achaean civilization. 
The journey continues. A mix of salt air and eucalyptus drift up from the sea on our left. On our right, the large lush plain, once marshland, is getting ready to produce delicious fruit and vegetables bound for markets in Italy and half Europe. On the horizon, the mountainous profile of Pollino, with its crags and narrow gorges carved into its side by flowing water, slopes down toward the sea.  
Entering Calabria
We’ve arrived in Calabria. Those looking to escape the crowds are in for a real treat. In fact, we immediately come upon Rocca Imperiale, an ancient village crowning a hill. The village was founded around the year 1000 and, because of its proximity to the sea, fortified by Emperor Frederick II, the Duke of Swabia. Magnificent views can be had from its uniform houses, which are reached by a series of built-in steps that run all the way up the hill to the Castle, a Frederick-era construction resembling Lagospele and Lucera. Magna Grecia’s lushest strip of land often fell victim to the armies of Pyrrhus, Hannibal, the Goths, and Spartacus’ gladiators when they revolted against Rome. Now this countryside produces tasty lemons and other quality biological products.   
We proceed at a good clip, past rolling hills scored by gullies rising up to forest-covered mountains. Below us, the green of the sea gives way to rows of cacti, which in the summer turn yellow and red, and produce delicious fruit. More villages dot the hills, more towns the marina. On one hill sits the Swabian Castle of Amendolara.  Further on, Trebisacce anticipates the Sibari Plain. There’s Cassano al Ionio, a scenic city with ancient roots that stretch back to the Neolithic Period. Neolithic ceramics and utensils were found in the karstic caves of Sant’Angelo. Here, in 720 B.C., the Achaeans founded Sibari. The colony flourished for two centuries until being destroyed by armies led by the famous Greek athlete Milo of Croton. Under the Romans, Cassano became Municipium. Then came a series of conquests at the hands of the Lombards, Normans, Swabians, Anjous, and Aragonese. In the decades spanning the year 1000, it was sacked several times by the Saracens. 
But let’s return to ancient Sibari for a moment. The port of the Greco-Roman city was the primary stopover in the West for merchants from Mileto selling precious goods from Asia. Sibari was famous for the wealth of its land and the refinement of its citizens. After its destruction at the hands of the Crotons in 510 B.C., Pericles ordered that the Hellenic city Thurii be built over Sibari’s ruins. Three centuries later, it became a Roman colony named Copia. Today the ruins of Sibari’s ancient city are visible at a large site where archaeologists discovered baths, a temple, a theater, and the remains of Thurii. Invaluable relics are kept in the Sibaritide Archaeological Museum.   
History and Beauty
We set off once more on the arterial road that brushes up against the sea. The intense offshore colors of the Ionian turn to pearl nearer the golden shore. The water’s transparent. There’s a pleasant vibe. The small towns along the coast are modestly built and un-invasive as we draw closer to the turnoff for Corigliano Calabro. That city sits prominently on a hilltop. Its origins are probably Arabic, dating back two centuries before the year 1000. After the Norman conquest led by Robert Guiscard, the year 1073 saw the construction of the castle and church of St. Peter. The rest of the city developed around them. Corigliano was the fief of the Sangineto family, then the Sanseverino family. You can visit its beautiful churches—St. Peter’s Collegiate Church, the Carmelite Church of SS. Annunziata, the Church of San Antonio, and the church of Santa Maria di Costantinopoli, which houses an amazing 17th c. crucifix by Umile Pintorno. The mother church, Santa Maria Maggiore, was built in the 10th century and contains remarkable engraved wooden furniture and a 17th century painting attributed to Cesare Fracanzano. Also of note are the churches of Santa Anna and San Francesco di Paolo. The Castello Ducale is superb too.      
Not 15 miles on is Rossano Calabro, another magnificent city and home to a Diocesan Museum containing the Rossano Gospels, recognized by UNESCO as one of the oldest illuminated manuscripts in the world. This ancient city (c. 1100 B.C.) became a colony of Magna Grecia and a Roman outpost when Emperor Hadrian ordered the construction of a port that could hold 300 ships. For five centuries, until 1050, the city thrived under the Byzantines both economically and culturally, and it was able to ward off invasions from barbarians, Lombards, and Saracens. Thanks to its treasure trove of Byzantine art, the city earned the nickname “Ravenna of the South.” The delicate purplish parchment of the Rossano Gospels contains 188 illuminated pages written in admirably miniature Greek characters in gold and silver ink. It dates back 14 centuries. One of the codex’s scenes (the resurrection of Lazarus) resembles one of Giotto’s frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, as well as a fresco by Beato Angelico in Florence’s San Marco convent. The codex is an extraordinarily beautiful work. Behind Rossano, you can see the spur of Sila up above, a wide mountainous plateau that, along with Pollino and Aspromonte, forms the Apennine spine of Calabria.  
From Rossano we make our way toward Crotone. Halfway to Crotone is Cirò Marina, a beautiful city on the ancient site of the colony of Krimisa. Nearby, around Punta Alice, are the remains of a temple to Apollo. A popular beach resort known for its pristine waters and quality service industry, Cirò also earned a reputation for a wine of the same name made from Gaglioppo grapes, and a citrus fruit known as “Calabrian clementines.” The other wines in the area are Il Greco and Il Savuto. There are numerous monuments to visit in pretty Cirò Marina. 
Crotone and its Vicinity
Another 25 miles and we arrive in Crotone, the capital city of the province that has a population of 63,000 inhabitants. A former colony of Magna Graecia known as Kroton, the city is famous for its wealth, Pythagoras, and the school of metaphysics. The imposing castle, situated on a promontory over the ancient acropolis, and the 16th century fortifications erected by the viceroy of Naples Pedro da Toledo to defend again Turkish invasions, surround the mazelike old city facing the massive port. (Crotone is, in fact, the largest industrial center in Calabria.) The cathedral is definitely worth a visit, as are the castle housing the civic museum, and the archaeological museum, which has artifacts from Capo Colonna and the area around ancient Kroton. In Capo Colonna you can tour the remains of the Hera Licinia sanctuary (the base and column of a Doric temple are still standing). Grave goods, money, terracotta votives and other artifacts are on display in the archaeological museum. The coastal terrace from Capo Colonna to Capo Rizzuto is stunning: steep and rugged cliffs, bursts of Mediterranean scrub, little white sand beaches, and a sea that vaunts a variety of colors, from deep blue to emerald green, and a stupendous seabed of flora and fauna. This tract of coast has been declared a protected area by Capo Rizzuto and preserves an important environmental legacy. There are several well-established tourist facilities in the area. The coastal terrace runs all the way to Le Castella, an islet with a small Aragonese castle that now functions as a welcome center. Our journey ends (for now) in this enchanting place.
* Writer and journalist Goffredo Palmerini continues his fascinating journey through the beauty of Italy.

En Route from Matera
* Writer and journalist Goffredo Palmerini continues his fascinating journey through the beauty of Italy.
The Ionian coast of Calabria—those looking to escape the crowds are in for a real treat. Less developed than the Tyrrhenian side of the region, this coast offers plenty of archaeological sites, enchanting natural beauty, and gorgeous food and wine.
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En Route from Matera

sabato 24 giugno 2017

Drops like dew from sky - Sadashivan Nair

Drops like dew from sky,
Fall tip tip slowly,
Lands on ground;
Tipsy odour of petrichor,
Stimulates ambiance sexy;
Tiny plants rise above,
The shells cracking open;
Seek fresh moist and bloom;
Breeze flows in tinge,
Cool magical music,
As if saying,
"Feel my touch, if you can";
Entire ambiance turns on;
Stimulates my soul
In dark cloudy nights;

 L'immagine può contenere: spazio all'aperto

giovedì 22 giugno 2017

~WONDERING IF~ James Dennis Casey


Powdered scorpion booger sugar
Dusted over owl feathers
In his pipe
Don't love him
Like they used to

Clockwork arsonists
Of underappreciated horror
Movies in his mind
Sing no more
Savage lullabies
To creature comfort habits
And superhuman addictions
He ran away
From a stolen dance
Cut short
Carrying dark secrets
Shot from a rusty gun
With hairpin triggers
Now he wears the suit
Of a used car salesman
Drinks black death coffee
And chain smokes coffin nails
Wondering if
He's any better off
Than before
©James Dennis Casey IV

Premio Art Exhibition International Gallipoli 2017- dal 16 al 30 settembre 2017

Premio Art Exhibition International Gallipoli 2017-
Bando di Partecipazione e Regolamento dal 16 al 30 settembre 2017

Tipologia opere: Tecniche e Tema
Il Premio è legato al Progetto “La Catena della Pace”; per questo il tema, che ogni artista partecipante svilupperà nella sua opera, deve essere legato ai valori di: PACE, AMBIENTE E LEGALITÀ.
Esso è suddiviso in tre sezioni: PitturaScultura e Fotografia.
Saranno ammesse al Premio solo opere che non siano state già premiate come primi premi in altri concorsi e che abbiano superato la selezione preliminare.
Pittura: opere in due dimensioni, realizzate in piena libertà di stile con una o più delle seguenti tecniche: olio, tempera, acrilico, vinile, acquarello, collage e simili; le opere possono essere realizzate su qualsiasi supporto, quale: tela, carta, legno, plastica, masonite, ferro, etc.. Le dimensioni massime permesse sono: 100 cm di larghezza e 150 cm di altezza; qualsiasi variazione a tale prescrizione deve essere preventivamente concordata con l’organizzazione e approvata. Le opere dovranno essere dotate di attaccaglio e/o supporto adeguato per essere esposte.
Scultura: lavori in tre dimensioni, realizzate con qualsiasi materiale inorganico. Le opere possono anche avvalersi di suoni, luci, video e movimenti meccanici o elettrici. Le dimensioni massime permesse sono di 80 cm x 80 cm di base e 150 cm di altezza, per un peso massimo non superiore ai 25 kg; qualsiasi variazione a tale prescrizione deve essere preventivamente concordata con l’organizzazione e approvata. L’eventuale base su cui porre la scultura deve essere fornita dall’artista.
Fotografia: fotografie stampate su supporto avente dimensioni minime di cm 30 x cm 40 e massime di: 100 cm di larghezza e 150 cm di altezza; devono essere realizzate su qualsiasi materiale (tela, carta, legno, plastica, masonite, plexiglas, metallo, ecc; qualsiasi variazione a tale prescrizione deve essere preventivamente concordata con l’organizzazione e approvata. Le opere dovranno essere dotate di attaccaglio e supporto adeguato per essere esposte. Non sono ammessi video.
– Premi
Per il 1°, classificato per ciascuna sezione: coppa e pergamena + partecipazione gratuita ad una mostra personale organizzata dalle due associazioni.
 , classificato per ciascuna sezione: coppa e pergamena + una mostra insieme per una personale abbinata
Per tutti gli altri partecipanti selezionati alla mostra: medaglia e pergamena.
– Attività di Promozione e Visibilità dei Partecipanti
Sarà realizzato un video, girato durante la giornata delle premiazioni e diffuso ampiamente.
Tutti i finalisti parteciperanno alla mostra collettiva che si terrà a Gallipoli nel Castello o in altro luogo qualificato da definire.
– Quota d’iscrizione
La partecipazione alla prima edizione della “Rassegna internazionale di Arte Contemporanea di Pittura, Scultura e Fotografia - Gallipoli 2017” con Premio Art Exhibition International Gallipoli 2017” è condizionata dal versamento di un contributo non rimborsabile, a copertura parziale delle spese organizzative, quantificato in: € 70,00 per un’opera e € 100,00 per due opere, 130 per tre opere. La quota di iscrizione può essere versata: Contributi Volontari di Partecipazione
  1. versamento su c/c postale n° 001012364095 intestato a “VerbumlandiArt”
  2. op. Bonifico sul Conto Corrente Banco Posta IBAN: IT09N0760116000001012364095
  3. corrisposto in contanti;
  4. Causale: contributo volontario spese organizzative Gallipoli Art 2017
– Modalità di partecipazione
Gli artisti possono iscriversi entro il 30 luglio per partecipare con un massimo di 3 opere per ogni sezione. Ogni foto digitale dell’opera partecipante deve essere caratterizzata dal nome del file indicante: nome dell’artista, nome dell’opera, tecnica utilizzata, dimensione e anno di realizzazione.                   
La registrazione al Premio deve essere fatta on line, inviando la richiesta a: -; o -;
 per maggiori informazioni potete contattarci ai numeri telefonici seguenti:
- Regina Resta 338 6341006 - Carlo Roberto Sciascia 338 7922753 - Carlo Solidoro:328 2850150               Si raccomanda di fornire un indirizzo e-mail reale e un numero telefonico, preferibilmente del cellulare, al quale il comitato organizzativo possa rivolgersi per contatti in caso di problemi.                                                                                      



Every day we hear the radio shouting a slogan
Like a wailing religious organ
Striking sky’s skin from blue to purple
But it is a useless plea to some people
Full of bile and always blood hungry
Quarreling with peace and ever angry
Killing here and there is their lollipop
Causing crisis supported by some hawks at the top
The giant has been swaying
Her branches seems to be falling
Will the walls of Jericho fall soon?
Will it be at night or noon?
Are you one of the trouble makers
And supporters of blood bakers?

Copyright: Adjekpagbon Blessed Mudiaga

Argenis Román Ramírez - Con Pesadilla

giovedì 18 maggio 2017

A Dawn In Spring - Sudha Dixit

A Dawn In Spring
L'immagine può contenere: cielo, erba, albero, natura e spazio all'aperto
The tangy scent of mango trees
Is wafting around with whispering breeze
Ushering in the queen of season-
Spring , with the birds and bees

Sun rays filtering through the leaves
Create a magical web
I sit in the orchard – giddy
As if drinking in a pub
Watching fluttering, dancing butterfly
Under the bright, beautiful sky
It’s a painting of myriad hues
Forming a labyrinth of umpteen views
Fragrance of love is in the air
Nature’s celebrating with fanfare
Cheers and joys know no excuse
So, now, sings my melodious Muse
Serendipity has tiptoed
In solitude of my abode
Blessing me from Heaven above
Is my Angel, my divine Love
~Sudha Dixit
Published In Indian Periodical
May 14, 2017

domenica 7 maggio 2017

Dj Pohnzi - La Bestia del Gévaudan (Poetry Slam)

La Bestia del Gévaudan (Poetry Slam)
Stanotte Il vento glaciale spazza le pianure d'Occitania .
Nel cuore della foresta in una natura austera, nelle lande ghiacciate si aggira una bestia dai canini affilati...
Vorrei raccontarvi quello scritto nell’urlo della bestia
La follia grida ma una scintilla di ragione resta
Mondo in fiamme sulle lancette d’un tempo dannato
“Bestia del Gévaudan” è il nome che mi fu dato
La verità è che nulla mi tocca la fortuna m’ha lasciato
Sotto un cielo plumbeo corro verso un Dio abbandonato
Odo i profeti del nulla sullo sfondo il canto dei lupi
Seguo il mio istinto foresta nera uomini ciechi destini muti
So che faccio paura sul mio pelo sbavo sui lividi
M’invidiano per i brividi che mi danno sentieri ripidi
Mi temono per ciò che mai uomo riesce a prendere
Nella crudeltà essere per quello che si appare essere
Incasso la mancanza d’un padre dei baci d’una madre
D’essermi ustionato le ferite sul fuoco delle strade
Incasso le incomprensioni le delusioni il non lasciare traccia
Forse l’esser perla di luce nell’oceano d’acqua marcia
Incasso una vita a correr sul ciglio d’una rupe
Tra minuti a valere solo per la paura che s’incute
Incasso le vipere i serpi i demoni le corone di rovi
Ed il cervello vostro dove si nascondon mostri
Son Bestia! Come spiegarti se non sai afferrare
Mostrarti gli occhi rossi se non li sai guardare
Prendi il mare d’inverno e gettaci la polvere
Avrai solo la mia storia scritta in parole povere
E venne il giorno al volgere del secolo dei lumi
Mi diedero la caccia, circondato , i cieli eran cupi
Mi spensi sotto i colpi in una macabra danza
Mi spararono per non sparare alla loro ignoranza
Venne il giorno in cui una pallottola porto via
Un mondo di poesia dentro mille sbarre di pazzia
Di speranze di magia di tremare per un tuono
D’un sole atteso dentro le stanze d’un nuovo giorno
Fui “bestia” dissero perché mancavan le parole
Perché le mani che portavan carità eran vuote
Li lascio nell’era degli orologi senza tempo
Addio al Dio numero per l’umanità che ha perso
Dj Pohnzi